The first assignment was great. For me, the best way to learn about a new tool is to use it. Although, I can listen to a lecture about something and come away with a general sense of whether it seemed useful or not, I find that it quickly fades from my memory. However, by getting to explore the App in the way we did during class, I was much more able to understand the potential application of it. Not only that, through the process I really was able to stretch my own understanding of what a person requires to communicate. Given that I have taken my ability to communicate orally with others for granted all of my life, and that I have not yet had the opportunity to work with someone who is nonverbal, my understanding was limited. Working through the process of which categories to make and how the various levels should flow was an extremely engaging and enlightening experience. I also found it incredibly valuable to have that time to begin that process and create something and then have that opportunity for input and feed back from Barb. It was a great learning experience.
I also found working within a group to be helpful. Although I admit initially, I thought I could complete the assignment much more efficiently and comfortably by myself, once we got into a groove, it was a great collaborative learning experience. My partners were a pleasure to work with and through the conversation and their insights they were able to help me expand my thinking.
The process itself of creating a tool for another person to use to communicate was intimidating. Once I really began to think about what this other person might want to say, I began to realize how disempowered people who are nonverbal are. Not only did I get to choose what phrases they could say, but I also got to choose what they did not say. I could include pleasant manners for the user and leave out some of the unpleasant phrases that most parents hear on occasion. Of course people can communicate in a number of ways, and can show their feelings in other ways. However, I did feel that to help give someone a voice was a great responsibility and that I wanted as much a possible to make sure it was in fact their voice rather than my own. As we were working through the process I began to see that ideally, whenever possible, the end user should have input in what should be included. To this end I was very interested and happy to see the typing mode, where the user can have much greater control over their communication, provided that the prerequisite skill set was there.
Great class!